Lent Resources
February 22, 2022 | SHC Staff
The Stone Hill staff has put together a number of recommended resources to consider for this season of Lent. There are some that might be good specifically for families. Family Ministries will also be offering an Easter Adventure Kit that may be a great fit for your family as we prepare for Easter. Many of these resources can be borrowed from the Ristuccia Library. Stop by and
Bitter and Sweet– Tsh Oxenreider
On the Way: Walking with Jesus through Lent , by former Westerly intern Amy Julia Becker
“Trail to the Tree” by Ann Voskamp, 40 day devotional with “ornaments” to print and hang
The Word in the Wilderness by Malcom Guite – a poem a day for Lent and Easter
Journey to the Cross by Paul David Tripp
Radical Reconcilier by John Stott and Chris Wright. Renowned evangelical theologian and Old Testament scholar collaborate on this wonderful lenten resource.
40 Days of Decrease: A Different Kind of Hunger. A Different Kind of Fast – by Alicia Britt Chole
The Good of Giving Up: Discovering the Freedom of Lent by Aaron Damiani – Fr. Aaron is a church planter and pastor who offers rich reflections on the meaning and purpose of Lent. He is a highly sought after preacher and mentor to pastors in the Chicago area
Lent: The Season of Repentance and Renewal by Esau McCaulley – This small book is a great introduction to the season of Lent, showing us how its prayers and rituals point us not just to our own sinfulness but also beyond it to our merciful Savior.
The Way to the Savior: A Family Easter Devotional by Jeff and Abbey Land
This beautiful picture book contains 40 family devotions focused on several aspects of what it means to follow Christ (hope, love, thanksgiving, commitment, forgiveness, trust, obedience,) leading up to Jesus’ last days. There are Scripture passages and discussion questions, suitable for elementary-age kids (K-5th).
Zoe Discovers Passover at Easter by Rene Annette Wallace
This picture book is a great resource for parents preparing their family to attend the Passover Seder on Maundy Thursday. It explains the elements and traditions of a family Seder dinner and connects each to Jesus.
The Wonder of Easter by Ed Drew
34 family devotions centered on the Gospel of Luke and passages from the Old Testament. This is primarily discussion-based with differentiated questions for 3-4s, 5-7s, 7-12, teens and adults, with a few activities as well.
The Garden, the Curtain and the Cross by Carl Laferton (picture book)
The Garden, the Curtain and the Cross Easter Calendar by Carl and Lizzie Laferon (calendar and family devotions booklet)
This covers the whole story of the Bible and why Jesus died and rose again. The 15-day Easter calendar has flaps to open each day and a brief family devotional with a Bible passage and questions. The picture book and calendar can each be used independently. Suitable for older preschool and elementary age kids.
Darkest Night Brightest Day: A Family Devotion for the Easter Season by Marty Machowski
The first half of this book is to be read the week preceding Easter (Darkest Night) and the second half is to be read on Easter and the week following (Brightest Day). It covers Palm Sunday through Pentecost. Though it is a picture book, the passages each day are fairly lengthy and the daily questions are open-ended, this would be suitable for Older Elementary and Middle School students.