James Bible Reading Project
September 9, 2022 | Tracy Troxel
Dear Stone Hill Church,
I am excited to be walking through the book of James with you this fall. To extend the depth of the sermons in your lives, I’ve created a Bible reading project to carry us all through the book of James together. The goal of this project is for you to read God’s Word in community. Ideally you will discuss the sermon text and/or other Scripture passages in the James Reading Project with at least one other person. The goal of reading and discussing together is not simply to gain a greater understanding of the text, but also to allow the Holy Spirit to change you through reading and interacting with God’s Word in community.
- Each week there will be 5 readings:
- Day 1 – The sermon text from the Sunday before.
- Day 2 – A New Testament text that reinforces the same themes from James.
- Day 3 – An Old Testament text that relates to the James passage.
- Day 4 – Another text that focuses on the words or acts of Jesus.
- Day 5 – The sermon text for the upcoming sermon.
- We will provide you with some questions for the sermon text to help facilitate discussion.
- A great pattern for Bible discussion is this:
- Read the text together.
- Ask and answer 3 basic questions:
- What does this text teach us about God?
- What does this text teach us about people?
- Based on this text, what is God asking me to do over the next 72 hours?
- This should be specific and measurable. In James 1:1-12, James encourages believers to pray for wisdom. This wisdom is for helping us view our trials from God’s perspective. One application: When I wake up each of the next 3 days, I will ask God to give me wisdom to see my trials from His perspective. These trials are used by God to build perseverance and spiritual maturity. I need wisdom to see that reality.
- When you meet next week, share how your application went and then go through the pattern of questions again.
The blog will be updated weekly on Sundays with that week’s study. Please reach out if you have any questions. I look forward to walking through this study alongside you!