Summer Reading Series – Week 7
August 27, 2024 | Andrew Zakhari
During the second half of this summer we are encouraging every Stone Hill attendee to spend time in God’s Word each week. We have designed a bible reading plan that will help you review the previous week’s sermon but also prepare for the following week’s sermon. This reading plan will help you read through the entire gospel of John by Labor Day. I hope that you will spend time in God’s Word as we walk through the 7 miracles of the gospel of John.
This week’s reading is designed to follow the September 1 sermon.
Day 1 – John 11:1-16
1. Why does Jesus delay going to Bethany? What does this teach us about the importance of God’s timing to intervene vs. our own expectations?
Day 2 – John 11:17-27
1. In v. 21, Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” Have you prayed similar prayers of, “Lord, if you had…then…” in your life? What have those been? How have they impacted your relationship with God?
2. What hope does Jesus speak of in vs. 25-27? Why is resurrection the ultimate good news for us?
3. What do we learn from Martha’s faith in this section?
Day 3 – John 11:28-37
1. Mary brings the same question to Jesus as Martha (v. 32). Does she display the same faith in Jesus as Martha? Why or why not?
2. These verses tell us that Jesus was grieving (v. 35) and greatly troubled (v. 33). The phrase “greatly troubled” conveys a sense of deep wailing and even anger. Why does John give us such a rich description of Jesus’ emotions? How does this comfort us in our troubles? How could anger be an appropriate response to suffering and death?
Day 4 – John 11:38-44
1. What does this miracle reveal about Jesus’ relationship with God the Father?
2. Why would this be the last miracle that John records before the events of Holy Week? How does the truth that Jesus Christ is the resurrection and the life speak to our lives in the following areas: 1) When a loved one in the Lord passes away? 2) When we have our own physical sufferings or approach our own death? 3) How we are to live as Jesus’ disciples today?
Day 5 – Psalm 56
1. What connections do you see between this Psalm and the Lazarus story? How does the fact that Jesus was willing to not only put his life at risk to save Lazarus, but was willing to die for us so that we could share in his resurrection teach you about the scope of God’s powerful love?