
Betsy Ferrer
Sunday School Coordinator
Becca Gater
Youth and Girls Discipleship Coordinator
beccag@stonehillprinceton.orgBecca grew up between California, New York and New Jersey. She attended Trenton State College (The College of New Jersey) where she received a BS in Education and Music. Becca and David (her husband) began attending Westerly Road Church in 1997 and have been members since 1999. They were married and have raised their 3 kids here. Becca has served in many ministries at WRC/SHC, primarily focused on worship, children, youth and women. Becca received her Masters of Arts in Counseling from Missio Seminary (formerly Biblical Theological Seminary). In her current role as Youth and Girls Discipleship Coordinator, her responsibilities include assisting the Pastor of Family Discipleship and Family Care Director with administrative needs and bridging the gap between them for all family ministry activities but primarily she oversees discipleship and mentoring of all females aged 11-18.

Terry-Ann Gilleland
Learning Center Director
lcdirector@stonehillprinceton.orgTerry-Ann Gilleland received a Masters in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Princeton University in 1995. She tutored physics and engineering classes throughout her college years. She worked as a research scientist in the Princeton area for 13 years before becoming a stay-at-home mother. In 2011, Terry began homeschooling her son and daughter, who are now college and high school aged. She began teaching science and math at Stone Hill Learning Center in 2013 and continues to discover the joys and challenges homeschooling families experience, even today. In spring 2022, Terry-Ann became the new director of Stone Hill Learning Center. She is excited to take on more administrative and program leadership responsibilities, while still teaching math (infused with plenty of science and engineering!).

Ben Hancock
Director of Next Gen & Church Life
benh@stonehillprinceton.orgOriginally from Chicago, Illinois, Ben ended up in New Jersey for graduate studies at Princeton Theological Seminary following undergrad out in California. Throughout middle and high school, Ben enjoyed a deep youth group community that first ignited his passion for serving the next generation of Christians. He further developed that spark working with the youth group at Malibu Pacific Church as a college intern. Ben’s desire to serve the church eventually led him to Seminary, where he was blessed to complete his field education at Stone Hill Church, where he and his wife Anna attended. Now, as the Director of Next Gen and Church Life, Ben looks forward to furthering discipleship among Stone Hill’s next generation through both youth group and Abide, in addition to encouraging church fellowship through Church Life and the Front Door Team.

Lara Holt
Global Outreach Director
larah@stonehillprinceton.orgLara is originally from Pittsburgh, PA and relocated to New Jersey in the early 90’s to accept a job. She loves the mix of cultures and languages she encounters here every day.
Although she grew up in a Christian home, she didn’t accept Christ until her mid-twenties. She then immediately found a church and began to grow in her faith. In 1999, the Lord called her into church ministry, and she worked at two other churches before joining the staff at Stone Hill in 2015.
In 2020, she left Stone Hill to become a missionary with WEC International, serving with Operation World for three years. As that season ended, the role of Global Outreach Director opened up again and she counts it a joy to be serving our Global Partners and congregation in this capacity. She wants to send as many people from Stone Hill as she can on a mission trip of some kind.
Her education includes a B.S. in Accounting from The King’s College (NY), an M.A. in Organizational Leadership from Regent University (VA), and a whole lot of life experience.
She enjoys reading, traveling, and spending time with friends and family.

Mary Ann Jones
Executive Director
maryj@stonehillprinceton.orgMary Ann was born in Chateauroux, France, into an Air Force family. Her family returned, from their many travels, to her parent’s home town of Vista, CA as she completed Jr. High. In Vista, Mary Ann started attending the Community Church of Vista with her grandmother. It was in that church’s youth group that she started her life journey with the Lord of her life. Mary Ann studied Christian Education at Seattle Pacific College in Seattle, WA, and Theology, with an emphasis in Youth Ministry, at Fuller Theological in Pasadena, CA. God used a job to transplant Mary Ann to the East Coast in 1992. She met Allen shortly after moving to NJ and they were married 1994 and raised one child. For sixteen years, Mary Ann was a stay at-home, but very busy volunteer, mom, homeschooling for four of those years. Mary Ann’s work life has been varied, having held all sorts of positions in the retail world from sales to administrative management, and in the nonprofit world with Young Life and World Vision. She began working for Stone Hill Church in 2014, currently serving as the Executive Director.

Miriam Kim
Care & Engagement Coordinator
miriamk@stonehillprinceton.orgMiriam grew up moving every three years, but if you ask, she would probably claim northern Virginia as her hometown. She received a BA in Elementary Education from Moody Bible Institute. A month later, she enlisted and ended up serving 12 years in the Army. She began attending Stone Hill Church with her family in 2015 and started working on staff in 2022. And, by God’s grace, was able to graduate from Cairn University with her MS in Counseling in December of 2024.
She’ll be the first to admit she’s wrought with many shortcomings, but it’s also those shortcomings that’s allowed her to see God’s grace more clearly. Thankful for His amazing grace, every day!

Erin Lee
Executive Assistant
erinl@stonehillprinceton.orgErin spent most of her growing up years in eastern Pennsylvania and became a believer in Jesus as her Savior in middle school. Erin learned more about what it means to obey Christ during her time at Penn State University, where she received a Bachelor of Architecture. In 2006, Erin married Jay, she switched career paths and became the Academic Assistant for the School of Business at Cairn University. Starting in 2009, she spent 10 years as a stay-at-home mom to her three children. In 2016, Erin and her family relocated to the Princeton area and joined Stone Hill shortly after.

Lindsei Lansky Luciano
Family Care Director
lindseil@stonehillprinceton.orgLindsei grew up in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and spent most of her adult years in Sao Paulo. Her favorite place to be is wherever is warmer! Lindsei holds a Licentiate in Theological and Intercultural Studies from Word of Life Missionary Institute (in the Amazon!!) and a BA in Occupational Therapy from the University of Sao Paulo, both in Brazil. Over the last ten years, Lindsei has served in ministry as a Children’s Associate and worked as a Mental Health practitioner. Her passion for languages led her to The Gospel Coalition’s Portuguese Translation Team, and after a coalition was formed in Brazil in 2018, she gladly handed the leadership over to the local team. Lindsei’s connection with Stone Hill goes back to the partnership between her home church in Brazil and Westerly in 2009, followed by two years living and serving our children’s ministry here during her student exchange years (2011-13). She loved being mentored by our former Children’s Director and enjoys serving alongside her. It’s no surprise Lindsei loves our church and is excited to see where God leads Stone Hill Kids. At Stone Hill, Lindsei oversees all programs for children from birth to 5th grade, including Sunday School, Children’s Church, Awana, and Camp! She believes parents are called to be the primary disciple makers in their families and partners with them to foster their children’s faith in action. Lindsei is happily married to David Luciano, whom she met at Abide, the church’s Young Adult group.

Nathaniel Mariman
Facilities Manager
nathanielm@stonehillprinceton.orgNathaniel grew up attending Westerly Road Church, and was involved in many programs like AWANA, Learning Center, and Youth Group. After studying Audio Engineering at Greenville University in southern Illinois, Nathaniel returned to the Princeton area. He was hired as A/V Tech Coordinator for Stone Hill Church in late 2013, working closely with the tech contractors to run and manage the many new elements. Over the years, his position has shifted and morphed with the many new needs and challenges around the building. He enjoys reading, gaming, tea, and music in his free time, as well as just about any activity that helps him relax after work.

Michael Sentance
Assistant Pastor of Family Ministry & Local Engagement
michaels@stonehillprinceton.orgMichael grew up in the United Kingdom and has a BA in Theology from Durham University in England. He is currently studying for his MDiv degree through Fuller Theological Seminary. He was previously involved in church planting and community development in London, England and Belfast, Northern Ireland, and has also held various positions with the Princeton YMCA and with multiple churches in New Jersey. Michael joined the Stone Hill staff in 2018. His responsibilities at Stone Hill include overseeing the Family Ministry Team, leading the Middle School and High School youth groups, and partnering with parents in the discipleship of their children. Michael also supervises the Mind the Gap program, which provides additional academic and life support to vulnerable youth throughout high school and beyond. Michael enjoys supporting students as they take ownership of their faith and find their own place in the Church. Michael lives with his wife, Katie, and their son.

Tracy Troxel
Senior Pastor
tracyt@stonehillprinceton.orgTracy is grateful to be involved at Stone Hill Church, again. Tracy, and his wife Denise, were privileged to serve here in the 1990’s and in 2008. They returned for the third time to Stone Hill Church in 2011. While God has given them the opportunity to serve in other places (Maryland and overseas), He seems to always move them back to Princeton. Tracy and Denise have 3 grown children. Tracy enjoys reading books, playing the trumpet with the Stone Hill Brass and attempting to learn to row on Carnegie Lake. Tracy’s passion is to see God’s people come to understand, believe and live out the grace of Jesus Christ in every area of their lives. When the church operates in the light of God’s grace, we become in real-time the answer to the brokenness of our world. Unfortunately, Tracy became a Dallas Cowboy fan at a young age. And, that has not proven to be a happy endeavor over the past 2 decades.

Andrew Zakhari
Assistant Pastor
andrewz@stonehillprinceton.orgAndrew is a Jersey native and a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary and Missio Seminary. Before coming to Stone Hill Church, Andrew worked in the counseling field in private practice, as a clinical supervisor, a graduate instructor, and most recently as a director of a community based substance use and mental health outpatient clinic. The most profound influences on Andrew’s faith were the ordinary pastors and Christian friends that he grew up with who taught and modeled the gospel before him. The theologians that have most shaped his thinking are Herman Bavinck, John Paul II, and St. John Chrysostom. Andrew’s great joy is seeing how Jesus Christ addresses the world’s greatest needs through the ministry of the local church. In his free time, Andrew enjoys watching the New York Yankees, reading great books, and going on new adventures with his family. He is married to Jessica and they have three delightful children.

Ricardo Alvarado
Ricardo was born in the Republic of Panama and came to the United States to study at Fordham University where he graduated with a B.S. in Accounting. In his search for God, Ricardo studied Theology and Philosophy at Fordham also. After graduation, Ricardo married Ana whose powerful love for Christ led him to believing faith in Jesus Christ. The old Theology and Philosophy were changed by the power of the Gospel!
Ricardo worked as a Controller at New York University for 32 years until his retirement. During those years at NYU, the Lord brought his family to Calvary Chapel where he was trained and became an elder ministering in a number of areas, which included teaching, preaching and Biblical Marriage Counseling. He started a ministry at Calvary Chapel to the Spanish-speaking community that led him to pioneer a Spanish Church to which he was ordained as a pastor. Ricardo has been in ministry for over 40 years, 25 of which was to the Spanish Community until his retirement in 2016. At SHC, Ricardo and Ana presently lead a small group and serve on the Front Door Team. They are blessed to have two married daughters and seven grandchildren.

Andy Bocarsly
Finance (Treasurer)
andyb@stonehillprinceton.orgAndy grew up in a Jewish family. Through the faithful and patient witness of his future wife, Pat, Andy accepted Jesus as the Messiah when he was in graduate school. Andy has attended WRC/SHC since 1980 and has been involved in a myriad of ways, including previously serving on the Elder board and co-founding the Stone Hill Science Series. Andy is a professor of chemistry at Princeton University. He and Pat have 3 grown children.

Ray Carr
Teaching, Family, College & Young Adult Ministries
rayc@stonehillprinceton.orgRay Carr was born and raised in Bucks County, PA. He came to saving faith in Jesus Christ during the summer of 1996 after he was honorably discharged from the USAF and just prior to matriculating at Kutztown University for his undergraduate degree. Ray attended Dallas Theological Seminary from 2000-02 where he earned a Masters of Arts in Biblical Studies. Ray’s interests include all things German, the great outdoors, the Bible, current events, and his family. He and his wife, Leaslie, have been married and have lived in Mercer County for 15 years. They have two children: Raymond (13) and Sophia (11). Ray has been attending SHC for 7 years, 5 of which he served as a deacon before assuming his elder role. He enjoys teaching the Bible and currently serves as Elder of Family Ministry.

Fitzroy Dawkins
Prayer & Global Outreach
fitzroyd@stonehillprinceton.orgFitzroy and his wife Tammy live in Princeton Junction, and have two adult daughters, Danielle and Ayana. Fitzroy became a Christian at age 14 after a long struggle between following his own passions and the need to submit to the Lordship of Christ. After choosing medicine as his professional course, then becoming a physician, his goal has been for a life time of dedication to patient care and engaging his physician-colleagues with the gospel of Jesus Christ. He saw this then and now as his “mission field”. His current focus is patient care through oncology drug development – firmly believing that the pursuit and development of effective medications is itself a service and consistent with his original goals as a young believer.

Brian Dorini
Elder Board President
briand@stonehillprinceton.orgBrian and his wife Helen have been attending Stone Hill (and Westerly Road) Church since they moved to Princeton in 2006 from Arlington, VA. Helen and Brian have three children, ranging from middle school to college. Brian has been active at the church in a number of ways, including serving as an elder, serving on the finance committee, serving on the prayer team, discipling, substitute teaching in the children’s ministry, outreach, and taking part in various men’s ministry events. Brian came to a truly saving faith as an adult, after the Lord patiently used radio sermons, Bible studies, and the exemplary faith and lives of some friends to open his heart and mind to the gospel.

Alex Feng
Personnel & Communications (Vice President)
alexf@stonehillprinceton.orgAlex was born in Princeton and lived in Kendall Park and Warren (NJ) as a youth, attending Rutgers Community Christian Church. He accepted Jesus Christ as Savior while a youth and led ministries throughout high school and at Duke. After college, he was a small group leader at the Cincinnati Chinese Church, where he met his wife Laura. Since getting married, Laura and Alex have lived in NM, AL and back in OH, serving in various ministries, including helping to plant a multi-ethnic church. At Stone Hill, Alex currently co-leads a small group and is part of the adult SS teacher rotation. Alex works at Novo Nordisk, Inc. in Research & Development. Together Alex and Laura have four children: Hannah, Timothy, Phoebe, and Lydia.

Kellen Funk
Parish System (Secretary)
kellenf@stonehillprinceton.orgKellen confessed faith in Christ and was baptized at the age of seven, growing up in rural New Mexico. As a child, he was exposed to his mother’s tremendous faith and the near-constant evidence of God’s care and provision. He currently resides in West Windsor with his wife, Anna Beth and their three children: Nellie, Kory and Augie. They first began attending Westerly Road Church in 2011, becoming members in 2015. After moving away briefly, God moved them back here to Stone Hill in 2018. Kellen works as a Professor of Law at Columbia Law School. Here at Stone Hill, he has served as a deacon assistant to Pastor Matt Ristuccia on curriculum development, a Koinonia Team Member and Elders and Secretary of the Board from 2019-2024.

Justin Hunter
Worship, Church Life & Deacon Team
justinh@stonehillprinceton.orgJustin was born into a Christian home and was saved at a young age. He has been attending SHC/WRC since 2009 and has been active in various ministries of the church including leading small groups, coordinating Men’s Ministry events, and facilitating the formation of the young adult Abide ministry. Justin is an Active Duty Captain with the NJ Army National Guard and is currently serving as an Army ROTC Instructor at Seton Hall University. He is currently studying to obtain his M.A. in Theological Studies from Liberty University. Justin is married to Melissa, and they have 3 boys, Caleb, Nathan, and Jared.

Doug Megill
Benevolence & Facilities
dougm@stonehillprinceton.orgDoug first came to Stone Hill Church (then Westerly Road) as a college freshman in 1971. The teaching of this church, along with the ministry of Princeton Christian Fellowship when he was an undergraduate, were life-changing then and continue to the present. He has joined the church three times and left twice. He worked as an Emergency Physician and Hospital Administrator. His longest absence was 1990 to 2015, when he lived in Western Pennsylvania. In 2015, he retired from medicine and moved back to NJ, serving as church’s Executive Director until November 2020. He lives in Princeton with his wife, Laura, and adult daughter, Anna.


Matt Ristuccia
Pastor Emeritus
mattr@lindengroveministries.orgDuring Matt’s freshman year at Princeton University, he trusted Christ and began to attend Stone Hill (then Westerly Road Church) the next spring (1972). It was about that time that Matt met another Princeton student who would one day become his wife. In 1985, after seven years of ministry with the Princeton Christian Fellowship (then Princeton Evangelical Fellowship), Matt became the Senior Pastor of Westerly Road Church. By God’s grace, having faithfully discharged God’s calling in this capacity for 35 years, Matt stepped down on July 31, 2020. With affection and honor, he has been named Pastor Emeritus.
Starting in September 2020, Matt’s focus is with a new mentoring ministry, Linden Grove, which seeks to grow a community of mature gospel-rooted servants and aspiring church leaders. On a more personal note, his hobbies include reading on the elliptical, watching birds, making bread, writing, and playing guitar. Karen and he have been blessed with two sons and daughters-in-law, two granddaughters and three grandsons. One of his favorite verses is 2 Timothy 1:7, “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a Spirit of power and love and self-control.”