This Week's Bulletin

March 30 | God is Love: The Heartbeat of Our Faith

1 John 4:7-21

Weekly Discussion Questions

Three general questions for digging deeper:

  • What does this text teach us about God?
  • What does this text teach us about ourselves?
  • If this text is true, what should we do to obey this teaching?

Questions specific to the March 30 sermon:

  • How can we personally experience and reflect God’s love in our daily lives, especially in situations where it’s difficult to love others? Can you identify one way the person it is difficult to love in your life reflects the character of God? If it is difficult to pray for them, can you spend time with God asking for the desire to pray for them?
  • In what ways does fear affect our relationships with God and with others? According to John, why shouldn’t we have fear before God on the day of judgment? Why does the day of judgment stir us to love?
  • Complete this sentence: “Because I am aware of God’s love for me in Jesus Christ, I am free to express this love towards… and in these ways…”
  • Why is it important to know love is from God asking that we seek to love others? Why is it important to experience the love of God instead of just knowing about it? How has the group experienced the love of God? How would you like to express that love to others outside the group? Outside the church?