Care & Support

Stone Hill Church seeks to love others through congregational involvement in care, benevolence, and prayer. We would love to connect with you, pray for you, and be a resource for many of life’s needs.


The Stone Hill Church community provides for various needs in the congregation and local community, including:

  • Meals
  • Transportation
  • Visitation (e.g., calls, letters, emails, physical visits)
  • Prayer
  • Support Groups (e.g., GriefShare)
  • Counseling


Grieving the loss of a loved one? Find comfort and support at GriefShare, a 13-week grief support group for those who have lost a loved one. GriefShare is a video seminar series that features some of the nation’s foremost Christian experts on grief and recovery topics as seen from a biblical perspective. The video seminars are combined with support group discussion of the materials presented during the video. This group will meet on Mondays (February 10-May 12) at 6:30 p.m. in the Ristuccia Library. Registration is required.
Questions? Contact Craig Hoppe.


The love and generosity of the Stone Hill Church family enable us to give abundantly to those in need throughout the year.

Submit an Application

Over the years, people have felt God’s love through Stone Hill Church coming alongside them and have expressed their gratitude

One single mother writes,

“Thank you to the congregation. They truly helped my family in a time of need and for that I am so grateful. I hope to one day be able to give back to others and pay it forward.”

A grandmother expressed appreciation for assistance with giving her grandchildren a special Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Living Faith Series

In the fall of 2021, Pastor Andrew led a series of interviews with authors who are living well through difficult times. Each of these authors brings a godly perspective to difficult circumstances. Questions can be directed to the care team.

**Please note that the views expressed by the guests are not necessarily endorsed by Stone Hill Church.**

Living Faith and Depression | Guest: Gillian Marchenko

Living Faith and Losing a Loved One | Guest: Bryan Maier

Living Faith After a Major Life Accident | Guest: Joseph B. Modica

Living Faith and Chronic Pain | Guest: Kristin Wetherell

Humility: The Key to Faithful Living through Darkness | Guest: Fr. J. Augustine Wetta


Counseling Referrals