Men's Ministry
Men’s ministry at SHC exists to provide authentic community to men of all ages through Bible study and fellowship.
We’d love to connect with you and keep you up to date on different men’s ministries events.
Small Groups
Wednesday Men’s FOCUS
Wednesdays | 6:45 p.m. | Youth Classroom (2nd floor) | Led by Andrew Zakhari
Multi-generational group that meets weekly at the church (during AWANA) for Bible study, fellowship, and prayer.
Saturday Men’s FOCUS
Saturdays | 8:00 a.m. | Church Library | Led by Chris Baldwin
Meets weekly in a hybrid format (in person and via Zoom). The usual pattern is to alternate each week between a specific book topic and the prior Sunday’s sermon topic.
Young Adult Men’s Bible Study
Mondays | 7:00 p.m. | Various Homes on Rotation | Contact Person: Fernando Faria
For men ages 18-30
Fellowship Events
Service Project
October 12 | 10:00 a.m. | Church Grounds
The Men’s Ministry is organizing a service project on October 12 between 10 am and noon. We will be working to clean up various areas of the church grounds. This is an opportunity to serve together, beautify our church, and have fellowship together. Please join us! Email Ricky Leung for questions and to RSVP.
Upcoming Events
Apr26:45pm | Youth-Main
Apr45:30pm | Harris Hall
Apr59:00am | Harris Hall
Apr96:45pm | Youth-Main
Apr166:45pm | Youth-Main
Apr236:45pm | Youth-Main