Women's Ministries

Women’s Ministry at Stone Hill Church provides opportunities for spiritual friendship, growth, and fellowship for women of all ages.


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Bible Studies & Small Groups

Tuesday Morning Bible Study | Exodus

Beginning September 17 | 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. | Harris Hall | Registration is required

The book of Exodus is so much more than the story of a rescued baby, bizarre plagues, and a big crowd crossing over the Red Sea without getting their shoes wet! In this full-year study, we will discover God as YHWH, the Sovereign LORD, and mighty Rescuer. Encounter one of the greatest figures in the Old Testament, Moses, stand at the foot of Mount Sinai as God comes down and gives His Law and learn how God desires to be worshiped through the design and details of the Tabernacle. Your own vision of God will be deepened and changed!
Large group lesson with small group breakouts. Free childcare is available for children under 3. Children 3 and 4 are invited to join Stone Hill Learning Center’s Preschool class that meets Tuesday mornings for free, but you must preregister your child. Please note Preschool class begins a week earlier on Tuesday, September 10!

Bible Study Fellowship | Revelation

Tuesday evenings  | 7:00 p.m. | Harris Hall | Registration is required

Women today face a multitude of challenges, like struggles with insecurity, broken relationships, guilt, overwork, or loneliness. Countless women have found peace, comfort, hope, security, and answers to life’s big questions by exploring God’s Word. As a group member, you will personally study Scripture and answer questions each day. Once a week, you will meet for a small-group discussion of the lesson, hear from a teaching leader how the truths of Scripture can be applied to daily life, and receive comprehensive notes on the Scripture passages you studied.

Precepts Study of Romans | Part 2: Freed from Sin’s Power

Wednesday mornings | 9 weeks beginning February 9 | 9:30-11:30 a.m. | Church Library | Contact Nancy Tonnessen for more information

Precepts Upon Precepts is an in-depth study method that uses God’s Word to explain God’s Word. After each class discussion, a video that expands upon the lesson will be shown. Please join us as we explore Jude’s appeal to Christians to defend the faith, resist false teaching and reject ungodly living. Choose the workbook that fits your schedule! Participants are encouraged to attend even if homework has not been completed.
– The Precept Upon Precept workbook requires approximately 4 hours/week of homework.
– The In & Out workbook requires approximately 1 hour/week. At the end of each class discussion, a video will be shown.

Note: There is no childcare offered for this class.

Thursday Morning Virtual Study | Hebrews

Beginning September 19 | 10:00-11:30 a.m. | Zoom | Led by Constance Wieler

The author of the book of Hebrews has been called a “profound theologian” who weaves together sound doctrine with right Christian practice by revealing Jesus Christ as the final eschatological “speech” of God. Each of the frequent Old Testament quotes in Hebrews is interpreted by the author to prove Jesus, the Son, is the mediator of the “better” new covenant. With this deep look into the Old Testament shadow of the heavenly reality, we will learn the wonder and magnificence of the New Testament substance of the heavenly reality that will bring us to our knees before our Great God. Contact Constance Wieler for more information.

Spanish Women’s Bible Study

Wednesdays | 6:30-8:00 p.m. | Adult Education Room | Contact Shirley DeCicco for more information

Bible study for Spanish-speaking women.

Chinese/English Women’s Bible Study

Thursdays | 1:00-2:30 p.m. | Adult Education Room | Led by Sharon Marshall

This class uses various studies from the Bible to aid in English learning.

Young Adult Women’s Small Group

Tuesdays | 7:30-9:30 p.m. | Westerly Prayer Chapel | Led by Bridget Smith | Contact info

For women ages 18-30.

Fellowship Events

Please check back for more information.

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