Global Outreach (GO) Weekend
November 11, 2018. All day
Organizer: Lara Holt

Jesus-Prince of Life: the center of gravity of the Church is shifting from West to the Global South and East. Some in the West view this as a cultural death. However, Jesus is the Prince of Life, and the chains of death, even cultural death cannot hold him. Deep thinker Christel Lamère Ngnambi will explore this topic at the fall Global Outreach Conference. Join us for an international dinner and a presentation on Saturday, November 10 at 6pm in Harris Hall. Christel will continue the discussion with Pastor Matt during services on Sunday, November 11. Delicious dishes needed! Bring your favorite international dish for Saturday's dinner (6-8 servings). 

About Christel Lamère Ngnambi: He is an international policy analyst and public engagement specialist based in Brussels, the Capital of Europe. A Belgian of Cameroonian origin, he is passionate about all-life Christian discipleship and public engagement. His heart’s desire is to ‘make God matter’ and see strategic partnerships among Christians emerge to address effectively today’s complex needs, to God’s glory. Christel recently joined Norwegian Think Tank Skaperkraft, seeking to shape a biblical, solid voice in public debates in European arenas and equip Christian influencers to do the same. Before that, Christel served for 10 years as the Brussels Representative of the European Evangelical Alliance. A political scientist who specialised on issues of religion and politics in Europe, Christel has engaged in multiple debates, teaching sessions and policy-related contributions across Europe and beyond.

Stone Hill Church of Princeton
1025 Bunn Drive
Princeton, NJ 08540

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