Thursday Morning Women's Bible Study: Ezekiel
Every week on Thursday until Feb 22, 2024 from 10:00a to 11:30a
Organizer: Constance Wieler
The Thursday morning Women's Bible study will continue to meet at 10:00 on Thursday mornings via Zoom. This Bible study will resume on September 21 and is open to new attendees.
Brief description: The message of the Book of Ezekiel can be confusing, yet each time "the word of the Lord came to" the prophet, the hearers were to "know that I am the Lord." Today, as we read these words of the Lord, we learn that each message works together with the ones before and after it to inform in a new and profound way our understanding of our new covenant status in Christ. Beginning with a substantial review of chapters 1-24, this in-depth study of Ezekiel will continue with chapter 25.