- James teaches us that our anger is caused by disordered desires.
- What are the disordered desires that lie at the root of your common expressions of anger?
- Even a good desire that becomes too important can be the source of your anger.
- Another cause for anger is when we adopt a worldly perspective that puts us (functionally) as an enemy of God.
- What worldly pursuit or perspective puts you in a position to be angry?
- Humility is also a remedy for anger. When we admit our complete dependence on God, we are able deal with our anger.
- James calls ‘angry’ believers to repent, weep and be cleansed by God.
- Why is repentance an antidote to anger?
- What can help you to curb your natural tendency to judge your brothers and sisters in Christ?
- What can motivate us to forgive others when we are tempted to stay angry with them?
- Why does God’s grace in Christ help us to forgive?
- This is a great story of how Moses lost his temper before Israel and God.
- What does God give as the motivation for Moses’ anger?
- What were the consequences of Moses’ anger?
- According to Jesus’ words in this passage, anger can become what sin?
- A lack of forgiveness can be a sign of unresolved anger.
- What happens to someone who cannot forgive and deal with their anger?
- Read James 4:13-18 to prepare for the sermon on November 6.