Pastor Tracy Reads | The Wide, Wide Sea: Imperial Ambition, First Contact, and the Fateful Final Voyage or Captain James Cook by Hampton Sides

February 24, 2025 | Pastor Tracy Troxel

Some may not want to read a book that chronicles more examples of imperial overreach, ambitions and colonialism. Why should you forge ahead and read this book?

First, while reading about imperialistic endeavors is cringeworthy at times, we might try to exhibit some humility about past historical epochs. A hundred years from now there will be historical treatments that examine our cultural moment. And we may not fare too well either. Hampton Sides attempts to represent the narrative fairly and transparently.

Second, the achievements in science, mapping and exploratory courage are quite impressive. A significant number of scientific discoveries take place on this voyage.

Third, one of the purposes of this voyage is to return a Tahitian, named Mai, back to his home in the Pacific Ocean. Mai had been taken from Tahiti to England on a previous voyage. Mai
enjoyed his time in England as he was feted by many wealthy aristocrats. His return to Tahiti and Captain Cook’s observations about this event are quite profound and provide a cultural
evaluation for us today.

Fourth, Captain Cook’s interest in the indigenous people that he comes in contact with is quite interesting and helpful. He appears to have a humility about Western culture and in particular,
Western materialism, that, again, displays depth and incisive analysis.

The narrative reads like a novel as well. This is an easy read in many ways and yet it provokes some serious thought.

Pastor Tracy Troxel