What We Offer

In seeking to Know God, we dig deeper into God’s Word through a variety of classes and Bible studies hosted throughout the week. From casual discussions about the Sunday sermon to in-depth, college-level theology courses, Stone Hill Church offers many great opportunities to connect with one another and grow in your knowledge of the Scriptures.

Sunday Morning Adult Education

Sunday School and Adult Education are on Summer Break! Classes will resume this fall.


Check back for more information

Bible Studies

There are many other opportunities to dig into God’s Word throughout the week. Check out some of the other opportunities to see if one might be right for you!

Men’s Ministry

Women’s Ministry

Small Groups

RightNow Media

RightNow Media offers a host of classes for all ages. In addition, Stone Hill’s membership and baptism classes are offered on demand through RightNow Media. Create your RNM profile today!

Upcoming Classes
  • No upcoming events are scheduled