What We Offer

In seeking to Know God, we dig deeper into God’s Word through a variety of classes and Bible studies hosted throughout the week. From casual discussions about the Sunday sermon to in-depth, college-level theology courses, Stone Hill Church offers many great opportunities to connect with one another and grow in your knowledge of the Scriptures.

Sunday Morning Adult Education

Stone Hill Church is offering a multi-year curriculum of adult education classes that will help you grasp the timeless essential teachings of Christianity and equip you to communicate them in our time and context. The classes will be offered on a rotating basis and will be taught by a variety of skilled and knowledgeable church members. 

Spring Session – March 16 – June 8 | 10:30-11:15 a.m.

Public Faith in Action

Taught by Tim Chow, Fitzroy Dawkins, Bob Doll, Robbie Freeman, Justin Hunter & John Matsui | Sanctuary

How do we apply our faith to public policy in our democratic republic? In this class we will look at the role of Christ, our character, and specific issues of public policy and how we are to engage with them as Christians.


Taught by John Kennedy, Tracy Troxel & Andrew Zakhari | Adult Education Room

This 8-week course is designed to equip participants to understand and practice biblical discipleship. Through teaching, discussions, and practical assignments, participants will grow as disciples of Jesus and gain tools to disciple others effectively.

Pre-registration is required for this class. Please complete this survey by March 1.

Grief in the Family (March 16 – April 13)

Facilitated by Lindsei Luciano & Craig Hoppe | Harris Hall

Family life is not immune to loss – a miscarriage, a divorce, an unexpected move, the death of a family member or friend. How do we navigate it as a family? How do we help each member of our family process their grief as we process our own?

Chinese Connection: Tracing God’s Story

Facilitated by Sharon Marshall | Ristuccia Library

Hispanic Ministry Class: Essentials

Facilitated by Martha Acosta | Office Conference Room

This is an inductive narrative Bible study that will help us to evaluate life choices through the lens of God’s Word, the Bible.
Topic: Discover the Essentials for Meaningful Life and Eternal Legacy.

Bible Studies

There are many other opportunities to dig into God’s Word throughout the week. Check out some of the other opportunities to see if one might be right for you!

Men’s Ministry

Women’s Ministry

Small Groups

RightNow Media

RightNow Media offers a host of classes for all ages. In addition, Stone Hill’s membership and baptism classes are offered on demand through RightNow Media. Create your RNM profile today!

Upcoming Classes