9.11.2022 | Tracy Troxel

James: Week 1

Day 1: James 1:1-12 What does this text tell us about God? What does this...

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9.9.2022 | Tracy Troxel

James Bible Reading Project

Dear Stone Hill Church, I am excited to be walking through the book of James with...

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6.3.2022 | Tracy Troxel

Creating Community: A Calling

One of our key commitments at Stone Hill Church is to love and serve one...

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4.8.2022 | Tracy Troxel

Why Easter?

We have added several services during Easter Week this year. Why did we do that? ...

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4.5.2022 | Tracy Troxel

Temptation and Spiritual Identity

One important spiritual discipline is to consider who we are because of Jesus Christ. Romans...

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2.22.2022 | Tracy Troxel

An Introduction to Practicing Lent

What is Lent? I know that not all of us have observed Lent. Lent is one...

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9.28.2021 | Tracy Troxel

God’s Word and the Pandemic: Where Do We Go From Here?

Lessons We Ought to be Learning in the Pandemic The sovereign Lord of everything has not...

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9.27.2021 |

God’s Word and the Pandemic: Part 2

Continued from Part 1: Practical Ways to Live Out the Basic Biblical Principles In light of these...

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9.24.2021 | Tracy Troxel

God’s Word and the Pandemic: Part 1

As the people of God it is vitally important that we think about the pandemic...

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7.30.2021 | Tracy Troxel

How Do We Solve the Problem?

On Tuesday, I wrote about the problems of having children and youth ‘de-churched’ and adults...

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7.27.2021 | Tracy Troxel

Church, We Have a Problem

For many years we have held Sunday school for all ages during our first worship...

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