10.1.2022 | Tracy Troxel
James: Week 4
James 2:1-13 Why is showing favoritism or partiality antithetical to Jesus Christ? Honestly who is...

9.30.2022 | Brian Dorini
Paid in Full Update – October
Our Church Building cost ~$20M! We have occupied it since late 2013. By God’s grace,...

9.23.2022 | Tracy Troxel
James Week 3
In James 1:19, notice that James instructs his readers to be quick to hear, slow...

9.19.2022 | Tracy Troxel
James: Week 2
James 1:13-18 Are you tempted to blame God when your life is filled with disappointments...

9.14.2022 | Lindsei Lansky Luciano
Welcoming the Little Children
When the disciples were fighting to see who was the greatest, Jesus said: "Whoever receives...

9.11.2022 | Tracy Troxel
James: Week 1
Day 1: James 1:1-12 What does this text tell us about God? What does this...

9.9.2022 | Tracy Troxel
James Bible Reading Project
Dear Stone Hill Church, I am excited to be walking through the book of James with...

9.9.2022 | Alex Feng
Elders at SHC, Vol. 2
Elders Alex Feng and Bill Boyce, president of the SHC elder board, discuss the work...

8.5.2022 | Lara Holt
Why Short Term Missions?
Short-term mission trips have been around for 2000 years or so. The Gospels tell of...

7.19.2022 | Alex Feng
Are We On the Right Track?
Earlier this month, I went on a road trip with my high school son to...

7.15.2022 | Alex Feng
What Is An Elder?
One of the ambitions that we have in 2022 as both the Stone Hill staff...

6.15.2022 |
How to Talk to Kids About Sexuality Panel Discussion
On June 12, 2022, the Family Ministries Team held a panel discussion to address how...